Embarking on a New Adventure. (April Newsletter 2020)

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What was once just a thought, a dream, is becoming a reality. As crazy as it may sound, we have put our house up for sale, purchased an RV, and are soon to hit the road. We are planning to be among the ‘full-time RV families.’ 

I know what many people will be thinking: “How is such a large family going to live in an RV?” This is a great question that we are also asking ourselves. However, we are committed to making it work, as many large families have already done. Fortunately, there are large families on YouTube that have done the same thing, complete with tips and tricks to make it work.

In the past two months, we have been busily working on the house, getting it ready for sale. This has been a very positive experience for me, as I have learned that I am capable of more than I thought! We have remodeled our bathrooms, rewired lights, and installed flooring, baseboard, and trim. We have done tile work, brickwork, and painting. And since ministry is limited due to the lockdown, it has been a perfect way to keep busy and productive during a slow time.

What has been most interesting about this whole adventure is the need to downsize to only the essentials. With very limited space on the RV, we can only bring what we need, and not much more. There are many things that we are parting with—and it feels really good! It’s amazing what can be accumulated over 15 years of marriage and children! Much of it has been sitting for a long time in boxes in the basement.

This new phase of our live will open up many new possibilities for ministry, with the ability to bring the whole family wherever we go. Instead of leaving the family for weeks at a time (which I have often done in the past), we will all be able to go together wherever the Lord my lead us.  And due to the nature of this ministry being often outside, this type of living with enable us to go where the weather is better, which means more people are out and about. 

Please pray with us as we embark on this adventure. There are many hurdles still to get over, but we are confident that as the Lord has brought us thus far, that He will continue to carry us. 

Keeping the Right Attitude

I think it no coincidence that I have been reading through the book of Job during these trying times. I have been reading it more thoughtfully and carefully than I ever have before. It used to be a book that I drudged through because I had to, but now I consider it one of my favorites. When one takes the time to really hear what the author is saying, it is amazing how applicable it is to modern life. 

The verse that really struck me as I was reading recently was this: “He WOULD have brought you out of dire distress, into a broad place where there is no restraint; and what is set on your table would be full of richness. But you are filled with the judgment due the wicked; judgment and justice take hold of you” (Job 36:16).

What this verse is saying is that Job’s suffering could have, and would have, ended much sooner than it did, but because of Job’s complaining, it lingered on. In other words, Job’s complaining kept him in the very situation he was complaining about.

Complaining is an exercise of unbelief. But praise and thanksgiving is an exercise of faith and trust. The children of Israel missed out on the promised land because of their complaining, but Joshua and Caleb went in because of they believed in the fidelity of the word of God. 

We also have a word from God, that He will never leave us or forsake us, that He will provide our every need, that He will not suffer the righteous to be forsaken or for his seed to beg for bread. Let us also trust that word and demonstrate that trust by words of thanksgiving in praise. In doing so, our time of suffering will be shortened and times of refreshing will soon come from the presence of the Lord.

It’s time to GIVE

I know that many of you are facing uncertain times. My best advice for your during this time is to GIVE. Giving is an act of faith. Just as the widow who faced starvation gave and was provided for supernaturally, so God will take care of us. This is something that I have recently done and would encourage you to do, too. I recently spoke to a small business owner who immediately started to give when the shutdown started. He reported to me that, not only has business been good, but that he also has been able to sell things that have been sitting around for a long time! God is faithful.

I say these things, not so you can give to me, but so that you can partake of the blessings of God. If you’d like to give to this ministry, that would be wonderful, but I know that God will take care of us. Give as the Lord directs you. Give and thank Him for His faithfulness to provide all of your needs according to His riches in glory. 

Visit halchaffee.com/partnergive to give online.